Bonsai Care
As with any garden, the basic elements that your bonsai plant will need to thrive are the right soil, the appropriate amount of light, and the right amount of water.
Maple Bonsai
If you have always found the Bonsai Tree to be a fascinating plant but have thought that you just don't have the skills necessary to grow one yourself, you may want to consider the Japanese Maple Bonsai. These are not only beautiful trees, but perfect for beginners as they are easily grown and cared for.
Bonsai Pot
There are a couple steps to choosing a bonsai pot. What the tree look like that will go into it, what features do you need in the pot and what quality of pot do you need? The easy answer is to purchase a quality Japanese bonsai pot.
Bonsai Plant
There are many factors affecting the growth of an indoor bonsai plant, it usually depends on its kind. Some grow fast, while others have an average or slow growth. You cannot control their natural growth since each plant has their own genetic predisposition. The good news is there are vital controllable factors that affect all bonsai plant's growth and you can use them to gain maximum growth results
Bonsai Crafts
Bonsai is a fascinating ancient craft that enables you to artificially dwarf trees and grow them on a miniature scale. The word bonsai means "trees in trays".